Historical Architectural Ensemble of Lviv

Lviv is one of the most important cultural centres of Ukraine. The city is known as a centre of art, literature, music and theatre. Nowadays, the indisputable evidences of the city cultural richness is a big number of theatres, concert halls, creative unions, and also high number of many artistic activities (more than 100 festivals annually, 60 museums, 10 theatres).

Lviv's historic centre has been on the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage list since 1998. UNESCO gave the following reasons for its selection:

  • Criterion II: In its urban fabric and its architecture, Lviv is an outstanding example of the fusion of the architectural and artistic traditions of central and eastern Europe with those of Italy and Germany.
  • Criterion V: The political and commercial role of Lviv attracted to it a number of ethnic groups with different cultural and religious traditions, who established separate yet interdependent communities within the city, evidence for which is still discernible in the modern town's landscape.
  • м. Львів. Храм Стрітення Господнього (1644- 1683рр). Італійський архітектор Джованні Батиста Джізлені.
  • Львів. Вид з Високого замку.
  • Львов. Вид на башню Корнякта, Доминиканский собор и колокольню со склонов "Высокого замка" / Lviv. View of the Kornyakt tower, Dominican cathedral and bell tower from the slopes of "High Castle"
  • Львів
  • Львів
  • Храм–музей сакрального мистецтва імені Блаженного Климентія Шептицького УГКЦ при Львівському державному університеті внутрішніх справ.
  • Львів,Преображенська церква
