Stari Grad Plain, Hvar

The Stari Grad Plain on the island of Hvar is an agricultural landscape that was set up by the ancient Greek colonists in the 4th century BC, and remains in use. The plain is generally still in its original form. The ancient layout has been preserved by careful maintenance of the stone walls over 24 centuries, along with the stone shelters, and the water collection system. The same crops, mainly grapes and olives, are still grown in the fields, and the site is also a natural reserve. The site is a valuable example of the ancient Greek system of agriculture.

The plain demonstrates the comprehensive system of agriculture as used by the ancient Greeks. The land was divided into geometrical parcels (chora) bounded by dry stone walls. The system included a rainwater recovery system involving the use of gutters and storage cisterns. The original field layout has been respected by the continuous maintenance of the boundary walls by succeeding generations. Agricultural activity in the chora has been uninterrupted for 24 centuries up to the present day. What we see today is a continuation of the cultural landscape of the original Greek colonists.

The Stari Grad Plain is Croatia's 7th location protected by UNESCO.

  • (Chora of Pharos) - Starogradsko polje na otoku Hvaru dalmacija Faros Hora hrvatska hvar stari grad
  • (Chora of Pharos) - Starogradsko polje na otoku Hvaru dalmacija Faros Hora hrvatska hvar stari grad
  • Hvar
  • (Chora of Pharos) - Starogradsko polje na otoku Hvaru dalmacija Faros Hora hrvatska hvar stari grad
  • (Chora of Pharos) - Starogradsko polje na otoku Hvaru dalmacija Faros Hora hrvatska hvar stari grad
  • (Chora of Pharos) - Starogradsko polje na otoku Hvaru dalmacija Faros Hora hrvatska hvar stari grad
  • (Chora of Pharos) - Starogradsko polje na otoku Hvaru dalmacija Faros Hora hrvatska hvar stari grad
  • prebrojavanje dupina 2003 062
  • Dol / Hvar, Partisanengrab
  • prebrojavanje dupina 2003 063
