Trencin Castle

The Trencin Castle is a castle above the town of Trencin in western Slovakia.


History of the castle goes back to the age of the Roman Empire, testified by the inscription telling about the victory of the II. Roman legion at Laugaricio (the Latin name of Trenčín) in 179 AD. The oldest building is a stone rotunda, plausibly founded in the Great Moravian period. In the midst of the 13th century the castle was the seat of the Baron Jakab Cseszneky, who was King Bela IV's swordbearer. Later in the 13-14th century, the castle became the residence of Matthew III Csak, the legendary "Lord of the river Vah and the Tatra Mountains". He gave name to the Matus Tower, a keep dominating both the castle silhouette as well as that of the town. The water well is connected to the legend of the Turkish prince Omar and his great love for the beautiful Fatima, whom he had to redeem by digging a well in the rock.


The castle houses exhibitions of the Trencin Museum, documenting the history of the region and of the castle - exhibitions of historic furniture, weapons, pictures and other artifacts as well as a castle gallery, archaeological collections and findings. The castle is protected as a National Cultural Monument of Slovakia. In 2006, it attracted about 100,000 visitors.

  • Trenčín
  • hrad Trenčín
  • Trencséni vár - Trenčín castle
  • Gate Of The Trenčín Castle - Trencséni Várkapu
  • Puerta de entrada al castillo de Trenčín
  • castle Trenčín
  • Trenčiansky hrad
  • Trenčiansky hrad
  • hradby Trenčianského hradu
  • Trenčianský hrad
  • Trenčianský hrad
  • Trenčianský hrad
  • opevnenie Trenčianského hradu
  • Trenčiansky hrad 2014
  • 2014
  • Trencin Castle
  • hrad Trenčín
  • Roman inscription at the rock from 179 A.D.
  • Trencséni vár - Trenčín castle
  • Trenčiansky hrad / Castle Trenčín /
  • Zamek Trencin
  • фасад дворца Барбары
  • Trenčianský hrad
  • Rímsky nápis z roku 179 nášho letopočtu
  • Территория замка Тречин
  • Trenčiansky hrad
  • hrad Trenčín
  • Hrad
  • Castle from the square.
