Chortkiv Castle (Ruins)

Chortkiv Castle dates from 1610, when Chortkiv and whole Western Ukraine were part of Polish Kingdom and is situated on the top of a hill on the bank of the river Seret, which flows south through Chortkiv and is a tributary of Dniester. It is a stone building and was built as a private possession on the place of an earlier wooden castle (most of medieval castles in the area were wooden ones). It was erected of local sandstone and is regular in plan of five corners. At each corner it was fortfied with towers. Nowadays, we have only defensive walls (which surround the yard), two towers and palace ruins preserved. Earlier the interrior consisted of stone houses located peremiterally. At the same time, the external walls of these houses served as defensives ones. Out of these houses we have only numerous cellars left. The main entrance to the castle was in northern wall.

  • Чортків - башта замку, Chortkiv - tower of the castle Чортков - башня замка
  • Вид на город с уцелевших стен
  • Чортківський замок
  • Tower
  • Чертков. Замок "Пентагон"
  • Замок в Чорткові. (1610р.) / Castle in Chortkiv. (1610).
  • Замок в Чорткові. (1610р.) / Castle in Chortkiv (1610y.)
  • Чортків - замок Гольських, Chortkiv - castle, 1610
  • Чортківський замок, Chortkiv - castle, Чортковский замок
